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Scuba Diver

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Introduction to Scuba Diver

This course is a subset of the PADI Open Water Diver course. If you’re short on time but really want to become a diver, the PADI Scuba Diver course might be right for you.

This course is an intermediate step on your journey to earning an Open Water Diver certification, if that’s your ultimate goal.

PADI Scuba Divers are qualified to:

Dive under the direct supervision of a PADI Professional to a maximum depth of 12 metres/40 feet.

Obtain air fills, rent or purchase scuba equipment and participate in dive activities as long as properly supervised.

Continue dive training by completing the PADI Open Water Diver certification and taking certain specialty diver courses.

What does it entail?

The PADI Scuba diver course consists of three theory sessions, three pool sessions and two Open Water dives.

Look at it as half the Open Water course. Ideal if you know you will only be diving with qualified PADI professionals in the future!


To enrol in a PADI Scuba Diver course (or Junior Scuba Diver course), you must be 10 years old or older. You need adequate swimming skills and need to be in good physical health. No prior experience with scuba diving is required, but you can try it first through the Discover Scuba Diving program.

Further information and options

£299 – including PADI Open Water crew pack, 3 theory sessions in our classroom, 3 pool sessions & 2 open water dives.