Posted 09.05.2023
A statement from Go Dive about SimplyScuba
We were sad to hear the news about SimplyScuba closing; the loss of any retailer, supplier or charter boat has an impact on the wider diving industry and the sport we all love. When a retailer closes this has an impact on their suppliers (especially the smaller equipment manufacturers) and of course their customers. We need a wide ranging and active industry for diving if it is to survive. We all know that without the small retailers who provide airfills and charter boats there would be no UK diving. We appreciate that it is a hard time financially for everyone at the moment with the cost of living crisis and we would like to try and help where we can and think there are a few ways we can do this.
If you have ordered something from SimplyScuba that they can no longer fulfil but you have paid for then get in touch with us by calling or emailing the shop. We won’t be able to provide the order for free but we will do all we can to give you the lowest rate possible on the item (providing you can show us a copy of the order).
If you have recently ordered items that you are no longer able to return for exchange and we stock that product then we can definitely help! Again get in touch by calling or emailing the team at the shop and we will see if we are able to swap the items for you.
We appreciate it’s not much but we really do want to help and hope in some small way this will.
James and the Go Dive Team